Pursed-lip breathing can assist by improving ventilation, releasing trapped air from lungs, keeping airways open longer, and much more.
It consists of breathing in slowly through your nose for two (2) seconds, taking a normal breath, and puckering or “pursing” your lips as you breathe out for four (4) seconds. (See this video for reference.)
Adapted from Pursed-lip breathing technique, by WellnessClues, 2020.
This should be done during difficult portions of any relatively strenuous activities (e.g., bending, lifting, stair climbing, etc.).
Tip for Better Breathing: Stop, Reset, Continue
When you are feeling short of breath during exercise or regular activities, use these 3 steps:
Stop your activity.
Reset by sitting down, relax your shoulders, and do pursed-lip breathing until you catch your breath.
Continue your activity, doing pursed-lip breathing as you go. Go at a slower pace if you need to.
Further Reading: